Midrash – “the Mashal and the Nimshal”

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“the Mashal and the Nimshal”. The Mashal is what is initially presented, and the Nimshal is the lesson or learning intended by the presenter.  

An Example in form of an advertisement

The Mashal image of the Ten Commandments below is an old advertisement for Microsoft Word 3, a software version from the early 1980’s. The Nimshal that the viewer should buy and use  the software as a way of impressing others.
A contemporary Nimshal is that we should leverage the power of cyberspace to foster spiritual values

An Example of the Mashal and Nimshall method applied

The Mashal image is that of a competitor in a contest that involves putting a pencil like object in a ring hanging from a post while riding on a speeding horse.
The Nimshal is that Chait, the Hebrew word for Sin actually means ‘missing the mark” – In our contemporary world, we can say that sin is not ‘missing the mark’ but not trying to achieve the goal.
A contemporary Nimshal would be photos of missing the mark, and or photos of challenges not taken.